Fellow Americans,
We have seen in schools fights that have been organized through social media and massive amounts of bullying.
We have seen countless amount of children glued to their cell phones and computers.
According to Gallup, the average time spent on social media climbs from FOUR+ hours per day for 13-year-olds to as high as SIX hours per day for 17-year-olds.
Take action now. Tell your state representative to protect kids from harm.
But thankfully, some conservatives in the Free State of Florida have a solution!
HB 1 (Social Media Use for Minors) and HB 3 (Age Verification for Online Materials Harmful to Minors) will be voted on tomorrow on the floor.
Help protect the hope for Florida’s children. Send this petition to your state representative now and help protect students from the harm of obscene materials and the negative effects of social media.